Seigle Photos: Trip to Italy, 2009

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All content © Jeff Seigle 2008-2024

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Our guide said you would be blessed if you rubbed St. Peter's foot when passing this statue
IMG_9043 Eric rubbing foot.JPG

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Swiss Guards at the Vatican
IMG_9057 guards.JPG

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A by-the-slice pizza shop near the Vatican in Rome

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The Colosseum at night. No info on the big face out front, sorry.
IMG_9083 Colosseum 2.JPG

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Nora and Eric relax during the train ride from Rome to Florence
IMG_9084 train.JPG

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Nora considers merchandise in one of Florence's street markets
IMG_9085 market.JPG

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Jeff and Eric at dinner at Il Porcospino (The Porcupine), the worst dinner we had during our vacation
IMG_9089 Il Porcospino.JPG

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Some guy on a bike has found a chick magnet second only to a Lamborghini
IMG_9090 chick magnet.JPG

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The Baptistry. In the background are the Duomo and Campanile

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