Seigle Photos: Trip to Egypt

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All content © Jeff Seigle 2008-2024

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Detail of sphinx on avenue at entrance to Karnak
IMG_4764 Karnak sphinx detail.JPG

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Statues in Karnak. The man standing here probably works at the temple. He must not have noticed I was taking his picture, otherwise he would have asked for a tip.
IMG_4766 statues and man.JPG

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Pillars at Karnak
IMG_4769 Karnak pillars.JPG

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Interior wall at Karnak
IMG_4774 Karnak wall.JPG

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Karnak pillars. The carvings were originally colored with mineral pigments though most exposed to the elements have faded. However, there are still colors evident in the ceilings.
(Move cursor over photo to see annotation)
IMG_4775 Karnak pillars.JPG

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Karnak pillars
IMG_4776 Karnak look up.JPG

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Sun glares past a pillar at Karnak
IMG_4778 Karnak pillar and sun.JPG

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Karnak has a prominent obelisk; here is detail from near the top.
IMG_4780 Karnak obelisk detail.JPG

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The temple was covered with sand over the thousands of years, and a mosque was built on top of it; an annotation shows the sand line before excavation. The mosque still operates.
(Move cursor over photo to see annotation)
IMG_4786 Karnak mosque.JPG

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Detail of a wall at Karnak
IMG_4788 Karnak wall.JPG

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